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Old 04-09-2009, 08:50 AM   #20

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Oct 2005
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Madmags, I mean Whatever, if you are going to post a link to a counter view, maybe it should be one that is a little more legit. I don't know of any reputable paper or publisher who posts-

"Four minutes later, in a scheme apparently inspired by fanatical terrorist airline hijackers, the rest of the robotic LCROSS craft slams into the same area. Like crazed kamikaze paparazzi, the craft will snap photos and transmit data on the first strike back to NASA’s mad bombers "

This is line from a rebuttal on a scientific experiment. Can you see how someone might read this and laugh? I mean really, if someone thinks it's a bad idea, how about some facts and sticking to the point. Then I'll read it and use the information to make an educated decision.
I know people have many strange ideas about the moon, But Scientic American wrote the article about it.

They are considered legit. That doesn't mean its a good idea. A lot of people are having gut reactions that it isn't a good idea and just because somebody doesn't write like newspaper columnist doesn't warrent heartless ridicule. They are human beings being expressive--but that doesn't seem to matter much to people in Philadelphia.

Don't tell me gut reactions should not be listened to. Science has often been myopically dangerous because it doesn't listen to gut reactions.

In fact the dangers inherent in any Person who considers themselves legit is that they are so full of themselves and indoctrinated into their training that they miss the obvious.

They can't really have a lot of facts about this Experiment until after the fact. It's never been done.

City Planning and Ward Leader and Council people are considered legit. Everybody thougt I was crazy to say there were all these things wrong with the Devon/Sydney street project and I wasn't legit yet it turned out I was right.

The People of Philadelphia are the most cruel people I have ever met.

None of you ever lifted a finger to help and all attacked me while I was already being abused and harmed continually-You are who Philadlephia really is.

You don't care about people and you don't care about anything except your own snotty comments and who you can attack next.

You're Cruel.

Mr Stock Man -you're a builder yet you never took any concern that I was getting hurt and you are the expert on building yet never protested the insanity that was happening and harming at Devon and Sydney. I guess the planners and builders and Legit Poltical involvement in this project thought they were entitled to hurt me because apparently I'm not even a legit human being - just something to kick around and beat up.

Many legit experts in this community just stand by and let people get hurt and have a very closed minds. Many of you are just mean and hurt people.

So called Experts and "legit" sources mess up all the time. Just look around at the state of the world. I would say the "legit" sources are the problem.

But go ahead and criticize everything and let people get hurt. I have learned that this is the nature of most people in Philadelphia that consider themselves the Legit Leadership and so-called experts.

Instead of people helping me and stopping the insanity and the crimes, people corrected spelling and complained about my writing style and how upset I was. Most of you would never survive the abuse I've received from the community and the hazards of the project, the crimes and the lies of the politicians and local leadership.- all considered legit.

As human beings most of you are not even worth talking to. You're simply the kind of people who walk past a neighbor getting hurt and don't help. No wonder you don't care if they Bomb the moon.
BqTyG9eS is offline


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