Pirates Seize U.S.-Flagged Ship
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04-13-2009, 05:18 PM
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Oct 2005
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U.S. Navy rescues captain and kills 3 Somali pirates
I love this. ""They killed our friends on the lifeboat and we thought helicopters would bomb us in Eyl last night," a pirate in Eyl, who called himself Farah, told Reuters.
"We were mourning for dead friends and then roaring planes came -- grief-upon-grief. America has become our new enemy.
Eyl local elder Ismail Haji Ahmed told Reuters by phone from the coastal village, a notorious pirate base, "Roaring helicopters terrified us so much that no one slept last night."
"If we could flee from Eyl, the planes could bomb the pirates. We were confined to our houses and could not even go to latrines. "
These poor savages need to get a grip.
Here is a quote from Obama, ""To achieve that goal, we must continue to work with our partners to prevent future attacks, be prepared to interdict acts of piracy and ensure that those who commit acts of piracy are held accountable for their crimes"
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