Pregnant Dominican Teen Dies After Abortion Ban Delays Chemo Treatment
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08-19-2012, 04:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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While many do support aborton I´m sure no doubt none would support the killing of a child that would live on it´s own after leaving the womb - hence the need of the creation of a term, fetal viability, in order to be able to legislate when the fetus is actually considered a human being.
Even with the definition of fetal viability being sometime before the normal gestation period this concept is arbitrary to say the least and very much dependent on the ability of medicine to keep a child alive at the time. While only a hundred years ago it could be argued a child was viable only after being weaned I expect modern science will in the sometime near future will be able to keep fetus alive only a matter of weeks after conception and I expect the current definition of fetal viability to be therefore challenged.
My point is to establish the fetal viability concept is a farce because given enough time it will have covered the period right after conception of the child (in the future) to two years of age (many years ago). So therefore what now is considered morally ok, aborting a child of 5 months, no doubt in the future will be considered barbaric and a crime. Likewise, imagine if the term fetal viablity existed 100 years ago how would people consider the killing of a child that is still weaning? Therefore the only logically definition of life should be at conception.
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