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Old 07-20-2012, 10:24 PM   #24
jackie Obrian

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Nov 2005
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Haiti should only apologize to the DR when the following occurs:

-The USA apologizes to African Americans for enslaving them, treating them like dirt, poking fun at them and being very rude and ignorant to them for hundreds of years.
-The USA apologizes to latinos for treating them worse than they treated Irish or Italian immigrants who came illegally also and for treating them like dirt, poking fun at them and being very rude to them. Especially the colored latinos like myself who are actually Spanish mixed with taino indian and black but in the USA the racism is so strong that anyone 1/4 black is black due to ignorance.
-The USA apologizes to the Native Americans for treating them poorly and like third class citizens.
-The Republicans apologize to the American poor and middle class for exploiting them and trying to manipulate this Romney guy into the white house.

-The British apologize to the Indians and all the countries that they occupied.
-Spain apologizes to the Dominican Republic for occupying it.
-The Portugese apologize to Brazil and Angola for occupying them also.
-The Japanese apologize to the Chinese.
-And so on.

Point is. Haiti did nothing different than many other countries around the globe. They do not have to apologize unless it is common for countries to apologize like for their actions in the past.
None of what you mentioned has anything to Haiti/DR. As far as apologies the Canadian government apologized and compensated the native Canadians for forced schooling...etc, apologized to the Japanese Canadians for internment during the second world war, and apologized for the Chinese head tax, so yes countries do offer official apologies.
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