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Old 07-20-2012, 11:59 PM   #30

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Oct 2005
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Thank you from you I will take this as a complement. I want to share something with you Mr DR that you may not know quick story. Once a guy in la zona was talking to me and he said " I do not like Haitian people because they do not respect their country now they come hear and do not respect ours. Then he said " are you sure you do not want a GIRL to keep you company tonight she is a good girl and you pay her whatever you want she goes to school" Do you see where I am confused here? The only people who need to apologize to Dominicans are people that begin with the little D(hint it is NOT the Dutch)

Calling me a Haitian is a complement I will take from you ALL DAY!!! Twice on Sunday.
Haitians are a tough, resilient, smart, hard working and decent people. I have had nothing but respect for them since I watched how they bounced back to life with a passion after the horrible earthquake. It was a true inspiration to watch their response to hell breaking lose in their country. Haitians in America are actually hard working and tend to get decent jobs and finish college and get decent money (unlike some groups of people who think money is laying on the streets and come to the USA and are very lazy and ghetto here).
poonnassunlix is offline


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