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Old 07-21-2012, 10:21 PM   #37

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I wouldn't call being a republic of NGO's (basically, a ward of the international community) or having foreign military boots on its soil (does MINUSTAH rings a bell to you?) as being independent.
Haiti DID NOT follow the RULES back then they told themselves WE ARE NOBODY'S SLAVES, and for that they paid a heavy fine imposed by a couple of very POWERFUL nations. I respect Haitians not because what they have down, but WHO they are as a nation present and past.

BTW You want to talk about independence ask the DR why they needed Japan to donate garbage trucks. Something as BASIC as removing trash and they needed help from another country. If I was the President of DR and another country offer garbage trucks to help out my country, it would HURT my FEELING. The first thing that would come to mind is "what are you trying to say, the DR is JUNKY? Do you think the DR STINK? Remember I did not offer the trucks JAPAN did. So send the hate mail to Tokyo.
vipBrooriErok is offline


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