This is what Taino and I were discussing the other here it is. So...these kids are here whether we like it or not. They're not going anywhere. So we choose to leave them out of school (an infringement on one of the universal human rights - Education - BTW) and 15 years from now we will have thousands of illiterate Haitians still living in The DR and reproducing like rabbits BTW, since the least education the most kids they're prone to have and taxing our health care and other services even more while contributing hardly anything (other than manual labor) to the economy...and of course crime will rise even more since they'll have nothing else to do to make a living. Those of you who are against educating these kids (and I know there are some here) please explain to me how this scenario is the right thing for The DR... So instead we do the right thing and let them attend school (and actually enforce the law that says that kids are supposed to be in school). What little resources the government provides for education are stretched even more (but does it really matter that much that instead of 50 students per teacher we have 60 or 75? Under those conditions nobody is really receiving a quality education anyway). Let's say at least 80% of those kids make it far enough to learn to read and write SPANISH and learn about OUR history, culture, etc...maybe even a small percentage of them actually graduates and a few may even get a professional degree. How did we lose again? Someone please enlighten me.