Frank Moya Pons: La cuestión haitiana
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05-20-2011, 06:48 PM
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Nov 2005
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I've spoken to many Dominicans in the Constanza Valley region and I've heard something quite different. Many are already accepting the Haitians and have told me that there is no hope but to merge with them. In the poorest slums of Constanza perched on hilltops near La Plaza where agro-goods are bought and sold, you can see in the distance the slums. If you walk in that area as I have you see just as many Haitians as you see Dominicans. They live together. It seems many of the poor maybe accepting more of this union than we may understand.
Of course, Nals is correct. It will have a profound and direct effect on the DR gov't, social services for Dominicans and overall economic activity. Haiti is non-existent as a governmental structure, as an economic unit and as a sovereign nation. If the DR is on life support, Haiti is a decedent. It is deceased, moribund, gone, non-existent and truly I believe beyond any hope unless the world powers go in there and rebuild the entire Haitian side like they did with Europe after WW2.
Do you see any hope of this occurring?
Nals, we don't see eye to eye on economics but I support you 1 million percent in building an Israeli fence on the border. I wouldn't even mind getting some more IMF free money to do it. You have my support, brother.
@Mariot-you failed basic arithmetic in elementary school.
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