Important article in today's NY TImes
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08-31-2011, 03:52 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
First, i take umbrance at the tone of the article, as it promotes the myth that Haitians are the victims and Dominicans are the victimizers. More so, with the mention of that hysterical historical pseudo fact of "the massacre of thousands of Haitians by the Dominican military in 1937".
Every day, around 5 am, 4 large open-bed trucks cross the Irabón river and drive up to Las Lomas de Azua to pick up most of the young physically able male residents. They are then driven about 1 hour away to the plantations, where they work until early evening. Each worker is paid 200 pesos, and is given one single meal during the day, which usually consists of a gruel made of beans and rice. About 10% of these workers are Haitian, and according to my informants, non-documented Haitians are paid 150 pesos, and are given no food. Nobody complains. Not even the Haitians. There's no other alternative work available in the region.
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