false you did not watch my film because we mentioned how the spanish and french bought african slaves and flooded the Island with them several times threw out the video with historic illustrations, it seems you did not pay attention my all knowing wise elder. why are you angry my all knowing wise elder of mine. i was simply interested in your afrocentric book and that was on topic. yes i live in Haiti and like Africans from the USA, Haiti or any other place in the world who call themselves african before any other creed i consider myself a Caucasian with my blood lines from the southern latin romans and Germanic people before i consider myself anything, and it is not a crime to be proud of who you are and where your ancestors are from. please carry on i do not want to hinder your voudou discussion, or take you off track, and there is no point in a debate you admitted to everything i wanted to prove and i think you will have less to feel frustrated over when you actually sit and watch the film in its whole and see that your attacks against it are unfounded