Senegal offers land to Haitians
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03-28-2010, 05:16 PM
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Oct 2005
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Since this thread was started I have had some thoughts about what would be the benefits of Haitians going to Senegal.
My opinion:
This is a classic example where people underestimate the power, value and necessity of cultural similarities to facilitate and smooth sail change in any adaptation process but hats off to the president of Senegal for making the offer and actually putting himself on the line. However, having Haitians who have been left homeless and/or without families due to the devastating quake possibly move to Senegal would not be an easy adaptation to their new environment regardless of the few cultural similarities (in my opinion) it shares with this West African country.
First of all, it's too far away. I think if Haitians decide to leave or were given options, it would be comforting to them to know that they are somewhere close to Haiti should they need or choose to return in the near future for whatever reason. In my opinion, the three primary cities where the largest community of the Diaspora lives-Miami, New York City (and surrounding area) and Montreal as well as the French Antilles are more ideal locations. From an economic stand point, the cities where the Haitian Diaspora lives would be most ideal whereas the French Antilles- Martinique and Guadeloupe would have much less opportunity for Haitians. Prior to the natural disaster, Haitians that could possibly leave usually had their destination focused on the US and Canada and were very aware of the adaptation process and lifestyle change due to the information and feedback from their relatives and even tourists (foreigners). It's that whole perception that 'life is better elsewhere'. How much does the the average Haitian know about Senegal? My guess is very little.
The French Antilles- Martinique and Guadeloupe would be a possibility as well because there is already a small community of Haitians there and also if France wants to lend a helping hand to one of its former colonies, this could be one of its contributions. Martinique and Guadeloupe currently are overseas French colonies/territories aka 'un DOM' meaning
'département français d'outre-mer'
. I think from a cultural and linguistic point of view Haitians have much more in common with Martinicans and Guadeloupeans as being part of the French mosaic in the Caribbean than with the Senegalese. Haitian culture is strong and very deep rooted and part of that cultural aspect is their language, Haitian Creole. All Haitians learn Creole but not necessarily French. Many only have the opportunity to learn French if they attend school or when they leave Haiti. Although Martinique and Guadeloupe have their own Creole, Haitians, Martinicans and Guadeloupeans can understand each other and of course worst case scenario they can speak in French. The French Antilles meaning Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe have some cultural aspects in common due to their history, the biggest difference is Martinique and Guadeloupe never became independent nations.
Ideally, Haitians need to stay in Haiti to rebuild the country. Aside from the tremendous loss of human life, Haiti also lost many of its future generation of intellectuals who for sure would have made a difference in reshaping the country. As many noted visible change in many forms was starting to take place for the first time in decades. That change is not only a change in political strategy but it's also a change in mindset which is imperative for Haiti. Therefore, to have a mass exodus of people leave that would be part of that new generation of Haitians would not be in the country's best interest. Haitians need to rebuild Haiti or start from scratch as some say with the help of the international community.
.................................................. .......
Then I did some follow up and it turns out there was no formal offer extended by any government official in Senegal.
This article was posted two weeks ago on March 12, 2010 on
"No invitation to relocate Haitians in Senegal" - says Haiti Minister - : Africa news, Maghreb news - The african daily newspaper
There are many follow up articles about this offer by the President of Senegal and many classify his gesture as a political stunt. Also commentary by Senegalese about the President's offer classify it as ridiculous and Senegal is not that much better off than Haiti.
For the French speakers on the board, please read this blog commentary in
, a prominent daily newspaper from France. I enjoyed it and found it right on point.
Le Sénégal peut il aider Haïti ? - Dakar Paris - Blog
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