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Old 07-28-2012, 05:51 PM   #25

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Oct 2005
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Let me catch you up to date with how things work here.

1. Never let Dominican driving upset you. Ever. it's not going to change anytime in your lifetime, your children's lifetime, or if you die and come back a century fom now.

2. People drive here using the most important principal known in the animal kingdom: "Economy of Time." That means never, ever coming to a full stop unless it's absolutely neccassary, and even then, hesitate. eEverything is about keeping the "Momentum." Stopping or braking is contrary to saving energy efficiency. Stopping is the number one violater of "Energy Conservation".

3. In nature, everything is about conserving as much energy as possible. Albatrosses can fly for months at a time without ever landing. you need to drive like an albatross. try to brake as little as posiblle, and try and keep the momentum moving forward while you drive to work...even if this means driving over a few people who have the audacity to dare you to run them over. Run them over and don't stop except to unhitch them from your exhaust.

4. i've driven from Cabarete to Santo domingo dozens of times without ever coming to a full stop. Rob lytw--calculus professor from Carrol Morgan has seen me do it numerous times. Too numerous to count. It can be done. I have a picture right here on this computer of my gas tank after driving from Cabarete to Bonao...using only 1.1 galloon of gas on a 450cc motorcycle. This should be your goal: try and make it to work on as little gas as possible without too many casualties. its a worthy goal, and your children will be proud of you one day when your gone.

5. Remember, "Economy of time" is your friend. Embrace him. Cherish him. Make him work for you. There's only one thing you should ever stop for on this island: Poontang! Never stop for anything else. period. My uncle--a retired colonel here--gave me this piece of valuable, time tested, well-researched advice: "Nothing except Poontang is worth wasting energy on."

Sincerely, Frank
htDgExh8 is offline


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