I know your pain. We have a little girl coming up to 3. To cut a long tale short, I wouldn't trust a male here in any way, shape, size or colour, they never grow out of adolescence from the age of 10 till the day they die, they will stick it in anything with or without a heartbeat. Sex crazed is not the word for it, I'm an ugly hairy bloke and I wouldn't bunk down with a drunk Dom for fear of being probed. No way my child is going to school in DR and be subject to being a sexual object. I know she will grow the way lead her, but why should I have to worry about these guys, parenting is difficult and stressful enough without worrying about what others kids are doing, thinking, contemplating. Hence, we moved away from the Dominican several months ago to prepare for her starting school in a civilzed world. It really isn't a difficult decision when you have a daughter, a son might be different, but I have one little girl and she is not a sexual object, in the DR in the eyes of men, before anything else that is exactly what they see her as. Not yet obviously, but time goes by fast.