ruben, take my sister in law: she grew here, went to good schools, she is a good christian and a specialist in her field. and did i mention she beats those dominican next top model uglies to the ground? her parents gave her the best background both when it comes to morale and education. but she is very level headed herself. is she being hit on by dominicans? yes and no. yes, because she is beautiful and she has many admirers. and no, because she never was of interest to dominican tigueres: she is smart, confident, rich and totally out of their league. as far as being a sex object - give me a break, dude. do you know our own matilda calls me "tits" or "boobies"? because yes, this is, basically, the first thing (two things, really) people notice about me . do i care? i cannot be bothered. people look. i look. it means nothing. unless your daughter grows up to be some crook faced cow men will pay attention to her. in any country.