N.Korea torpedoed S.Korean warship
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05-22-2010, 01:58 PM
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May 22, 2010
N.Korea 'will pay the price'
SEOUL - THE United States and South Korea vowed on Friday to make North Korea pay the price for torpedoing a warship in March, as international anger grew over the attack which claimed 46 lives. In Tokyo, visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it was 'important to send a clear message to North Korea that provocative actions have consequences'.
Seoul Defence Minister Kim Tae Young, a day after investigators reported overwhelming evidence that a North Korean submarine sank the South Korean corvette, said: 'North Korea surpassed the limits and for such an act we will make it pay.'
At the start of an Asian tour that later on Friday took her to Shanghai, ahead of planned stops in Beijing and Seoul, Clinton said she and Japan's Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada agreed the North must end its belligerence towards neighbours. 'We cannot allow this attack to go unanswered by the international community,' she said, adding she looks forward to 'intensive consultations in China'.
The attack on the Cheonan near the disputed border with the North on March 26 sparked outrage and grief in South Korea, but Seoul has apparently ruled out any military counterstrike for fear of triggering full-scale war.
'This incident is so serious and grave an issue that we must be very cautious and prudent in handling it,' said President Lee Myung Bak after convening his first National Security Council meeting in almost a year. Seoul is engaged in hectic diplomacy to win support for its bid to refer Pyongyang to the United Nations Security Council for punishment.
The communist North, for the second time in two days, denied involvement and accused Seoul of faking the evidence. It has threatened 'all-out war' in response to any attempt to punish it. China, the North's ally and a veto-wielding Security Council member, would have to support or abstain in any move to tighten sanctions further. Unlike Western nations and Japan, Beijing has so far failed to condemn the North for the attack and merely called for restraint by all sides. -- AFP
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