News in pictures on 16.03 / 17.03.2010
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03-17-2010, 09:26 PM
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Oct 2005
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People gather fish in a water reservoir on the Dnieper river near Kiev in Vyshhorod, Ukraine. Kiev water officials lowered the water level in the reservoir to prevent the city flooding following heavy snow in the area and the ice caused the fish to suffocate. -- PHOTO: AP
The Angels Flight Railway, for the first time in more than nine years, resumes ferrying passengers up and down Bunker Hill in downtown Los Angeles. Angel's Flight, which has been dubbed 'the shortest railway in the world', was shut down in 2001 after a fatal accident. The funicular was opened in 1901 to take passengers on the one-minute trip up and down Bunker Hill, initially for a penny. The fare is now 25 cents and the train still features the original cars from 1901. -- PHOTO: AFP
Goose fighting in the city of Pavlovo in the Nizhny Novgorod region, some 380km (236 miles) east of Moscow. -- PHOTO: AP
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