It is terrible mistake in Singapore to use intelligence as a measurement respect deserved by people. This is NEVER RIGHT. As you also know 诸葛亮,who was the ingenious strategist of war and witty intellect of his time, who defeated CaoCao in brilliance. 诸葛亮 never reached the level of 关云长 in gaining respect of Chinese people from their time until now. There may be some shrines for 诸葛亮 but in numbers probably 1:1000 ratio to that number of temples and shrines honoring 关云长。 诸葛亮 is surely at least 10X more intelligent than 关云长。 But the people respect 关云长 instead. 诸葛亮 is a genius that can only be born as one. 关云长 is a courageous fearless and faithful brother in Chinese 忠义刚烈之士 one can be cultured disciplined and strictly uphold himself to be respected as a character like this. Therefore people educated their children using 关云长 as role model, that children learn how to behave themselves and conduct themselves to gain respect. Singaporeans wrongly and childishly believe that children can be educated to become genius and neglected to learn on how to conduct and behave themselves. It is sad that many Singaporean parents who could not give birth to genius children still dream to have their children EDUCATED & REMODELED into genius, while neglecting the important upbringing of the characters and conducts of their children to become respectable persons. The worst part is they have silly and sad assumption that they would be respected if they became rich. In 5000 years of Chinese culture, no one had gain respect for being rich, not much respect had been given to the very intelligent either. The well respected characters are the brave, righteous and faithful persons. And bastrads like 曹操 is meant to be spat on. You know? Phui! Phui! Phui!