Bunker buster bomb ready soon
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10-09-2009, 05:57 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Yes I think collateral damage is a BIG problem for the US.
US lost the Vietnam war precisely because of civilian deaths which:
1) polarized US public
2) strengthen resolve of Vietnamese
The "My Lai massacre", where a few hundred Vietnamese civilians were killed was credited as the turning point of the war for the US.
It is one think to take out 2 houses with a missile but a bomb of this size will flatten 2 city blocks. And if there are children there and US purposely bombs the site knowing that there are children there, the US media will have a field day.
50 years ago and today is very different. Media can be effectively censored 50 years ago. Today with camera phones, satellite phones it will be one propaganda war that the US will lose.
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