Bill Clinton charmed his way with the North Koreans
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08-05-2009, 11:01 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
HOTA is one of most inhumane laws ever passed.
Harvesting and donation should be outlawed. Queue up for the sale.
For example, a poor fellow dies and got his organs "harvested" and "donated" to another rich fellow, he says thank you very much. But the "donor's" family still poor and suffering and even starving.
You may ask me, what if the donor's family is rich? I'll tell you then, so be it. However, I'll ask you back, what if the donor's family is poor and starving? If you ask a "if" question, be prepared to answer an "if" question, ya?
By NS the Government takes away 2 years of our prime and 20 years of reservist inconveniences. I really warm up to to the idea of being recolonised by the British or reocccupied by the Japanese or remerged with Malaysia. All options look better.
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