As long as you respond along similar lines, correct an error, give a counter view, you provide a platform, give ample oxygen to chaps who are scared of angmos, fear angmos and and dare not come out of their wells. In this forum you are the biggest asset for them. Do not respond, initiate anything where the usual suspects are concerned. Till today I cannot understand why they are so scared of angmos but the fact that they keep posting along these lines in this forum tells you there is an irrational fear. I suspect that they suffer from inferiority complex or are unable compete with angmos. Don't ever assume they are in the US or elsewhere which is developed. They probably are staying in Toa Payoh, pop down to eat Kway Chap and then hit the keyboard after midnight. Imagine one imbecile actually thought the guy was in the US based on a photo. If that is not the IQ of a moron, I do not what is. By the way erroneous statements are deliberate to entice a reponse or reply to keep the thread alive. Its called trolling. Sorry to be too harsh, but as I said, you are their biggest asset. Don't give the space, the reason, the oxygen or the time of day. Let them go back to their flat in the US (euphemism for Toa Payoh) and figure out what next. Hopefully it will be more imaginative.