"Me and N?mirovsky - a postmodernistical fantasy, chiefly about myself"; "Why I Know More About the Holocaust Than Primo Levi"; "How I Visited the Ruins of 81 Synagogues in Europe and Took Photos"; "Me and N?mirovsky II"; "Why I am Nearly as Clever as Arnon Grunberg"; "How I Experienced the Holocaust Through a Medium and Ouija Board [Volumes I, II, III]; Why I've Not Bothered to Learn Yiddish Properly"; "Holocaust Rap For Beginners"; "Concordance to 'The Kindly Ones' [two volumes]; Max Aue and Me"; "The Shits and Me - a book of Holocaust puns"; "A Textual Comparison Between the Marquis de Sade and Me - a book to my advantage"; "Me and Me"; "Littell Gods").