No, its NATURAL to doubt. Even the best of the best have doubts, that is because we are humans. The doubt never leaves, but you learn to work through it. If you are afraid of being judged then that is a fear you need to address by finding that self love and self power. Once you realize that no one is going to change you, the way you feel about you, by giving an opinion; this is when you truly have learned to love and trust yourself. Am I wrong in readings? Heck ya I am! I'm human! Do people call me out? Yep! They do! I apologize and tell them that I'm not getting a good connection. Spirit is NEVER wrong. We are. Being right most of the time though gives us that confidence to work through the times when we are wrong. Trust your guides, trust your gut and worry not about the opinions of others. My dad always said "Opinions are like @ssholes... everyone has one and most of them stink." lol