Do you ever have trouble relating to people your age?
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12-25-2009, 04:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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Do you ever have trouble relating to people your age?
I'm 26 and all my life, I seem to get along best with people younger than me or older. And what I mean by young, when I was like 8-12, I would play regularly with a young neighbor of mine who's like 6 years younger and old meaning that the person can qualify as a senior citizen or at middle age. And if I do get along with someone around my age, there's usually a 2-3 year age difference. And it's difficult because I know when I'm looking for a boyfriend these days, I don't mind younger, still not "too young", and dating someone old enough to be an uncle or my dad is out of the question. And when I recently tried to date someone my age, he turned out to be an immature jerk.
Anyone else can relate?
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