You know i'm just sitting here and thinking... Has anyone ever just felt like shaking ppl and saying hey there's a whole other world out there. why don't you just give it a try & see. What is it that ppl are so afraid of? Why wouldn't you try and communicate with your loved ones when you have the option to? It just seems so bizzare to me. Take my dad for eg. After i had a reading and my nan came through I said "dad you should try this" and he was like "i don't want to" and i just think but why not?? Is it really going to hurt someone to give it a go. i mean the worst that can happen is that you don't connect to the info right but the best that can happen is that you get a wonderful validating reading and you connect with your loved ones and can even do a lot of healing by it. I understand some ppl think they've done wrong in life but hell who hasn't right. and then the sceptism "oh ppl can get a whole lot of info of you via this and thatand this and this." You mention contacting your loved ones and some ppl think you're crazy. I mean to me there's solid proof behind a reading more so than in any religion because it's here and now. Anyone else get frustrated by this also. I don't push but I've been touhed by it & my eyes are so wide open that i just wish everyone could get this sort of "healing and find that inner peace" I justdon't get what ppl are so afraid of. Just imagine what our world would be like if Every single person had a reading done via mediumship. Wouldn't it be a great world. I think it would be.