When I encounter this, it doesn't make me angry as much as it makes me really sad. I understand that everyone is at a different place in their spiritual journey, and the souls here on earth are at different stages of development. I guess you're ready to see the truth when you're ready to see it. Some people just aren't looking yet. It makes me sad though when I know I can help someone by using my gift, but they're too afraid--for whatever reason--to take that leap of faith and just entertain the idea that all of this is true. In that sense, its frustrating knowing that you can help someone, but all they will allow you to do is sit there and watch them continue to suffer in their grief or pain Its okay though, we can only do as much as we can do. I wonder if that's how our guides feel sometimes when they tell us something and we don't follow their advice (I am sooooo guilty of this LOL) just my thoughts. much love