reading with crumbled paper
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05-01-2009, 05:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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reading with crumbled paper
I found this in a book recently.
I had not ever heard of reading a person this way. was a new one for me and may be for some of you so I will copy it the way it reads.
it is from a book called; Be your own psychic by sherron mayes
This is another one of the ways we can tune in . Amazingly if we ask someone to scrunch up a piece of plain paper we can pick up information about them from it . Yes you may think I'm mad but it is true, Everything that someone touches holds their vibrations and we can read images from the creases the paper has made.
The different ways of focusing are all vehicles for your own intuition to come through. What you see are not the actual creased pictures themseles but what your mind interprets and sees in them.
Get the person to scrunch up the paper for a few minutes. keep ing their mind blank.
then gently unfold the paper and look at it and the different creases and shadows that have been created
Look into the different impressions. Can you see any images? It may be that something looks like a bird or a star for example.
If you cant work them out give the person the information anyway. They may understand the significance. And ask yourself inwardly what those signs mean to you: they could be symbolic
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