i met a woman online yesterday
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04-22-2009, 02:25 PM
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Oct 2005
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i met a woman online yesterday
i met a woman online yesterday who shares the same symptoms as my partner and i. she also has the same views as we do on this illusion and the nothingness i experienced. she also shares similar views about the collective (un)consciousness being insane and has experienced loss of ego as we have. first time ever i've met someone like this. she said we are part of the first wave who are energy transmuters amongst other things bringing in higher energies and getting rid of lower energies. i've been told this before during a hypnosis. also that we process other people's emotions and physical stuff which i know 'cause i pick up on other people's anger etc.
she's different in three ways..she's female...she's got 4 children and she doesn't want to leave this illusion.
she also said as my partner and i say that talking about their being meaning and lessons in being here is human ego because illusion is meaningless. she also says we are nothingness as my partner and i know.
it was an interesting day yesterday.
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