kicked out of the house
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12-30-2008, 08:57 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I don't know what your condition is, but I will tell you my own experience and the knowledge I have about mental health. From my experience I will tell you, DO NOT go off of your medication(s) A.M.A. or "Against Medical Advice"! Seek a compromise with your psychiatrists - look for another medication if this one is not working for you, change the dosage on this one, whatever you have to do...but do not just go off of your medications! Even if you think you are weaning yourself off of them properly, you can have serious side effects and/or withdrawal from the process. At the VERY LEAST, you need a psychiatrist's close supervision.
Mental health is serious. There is a very real biochemical aspect to it, and there are some people who, for one reason or another - usually reasons none of us can really explain - just need to have medication to be healthy and stable people. It is not a bad thing to be on medication! You are not less of a person, less spiritual of a person, to be on medication.
I, for one, have very real biochemical problems. I have bipolar disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - and both of those affect the brain's chemistry severely. I have to take a mood stabilizer, occasional anti-anxiety pills (I try to stay away from them, but sometimes I realize I need them and even my guides have told me it's okay), etc. Without that mood stabilizer I cannot cope with the absolute torture that wracks my mind. It is a pain beyond anything - and has driven me more than once to attempt suicide, and once to nearly succeed. That mood stabilizer literally has saved my life. I am thankful for the miracle of modern medicine - even if it is very limited, still.
Now, your case may not be as severe as mine - but let me tell you, be very, very careful before you go off of those medications! Psychiatrists can be full of hot air, trust me, I know - but they also are right sometimes, you know. Try to work with your psychiatrist - or at least find another one to work with. I strongly feel there is a reason you are on these pills and you probably need them or at least SOME pills.
I know it is hard to deal with all this mental health stuff. Trust me, I know all about it! I have been in mental hospitals for "crisis stabilization" (in other words, saving me from hurting or even killing myself) repeatedly. Some of us experience a level of mental torture that none other would be able to understand...
But all that to say, please, be careful. I am very concerned, for some reason... I can't place why. I will be praying for you and hoping that you make a wise decision.
If you would like to talk more, feel free to PM or even IM me. I am on the computer a fair amount, because I am on disability and well...don't really have a life, lol! (It's okay, this is the life I am meant to have right now.)
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