Purposes in life
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05-13-2008, 07:12 AM
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Oct 2005
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Everyone has a purpose in life, to learn, to love, and to live. Some people are called to bring happiness through music, movies, ect. Others are called to bring hope to people who have none. Some are called to care for and nuture people who otherwise would have noone. Some are called to stand up for others rights, ect. Each person has their own purpose for the greater good of the whole. Some people's purpose, like my ex, is to be selfish and child like, but even that purpose creates a greater good, because people who are around him learn to be patient and eventually learn to forgive. Each person has their own purpose and God gives us gifts or abilities to further help us achieve our life purposes. There is not one greater than the other. What is in your heart? What comes naturally, that fills you as much as it fills other people? What's the driving force inside of you? When you have figured this out, you have found your life purpose.
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