Sending messages to others?
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11-11-2008, 01:24 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I, too, have been sending sort of messages to my own "crush", lol! Umm...I didn't realize this was what I was doing until I started to get responses and they seemed so real... I don't know if it's actually working or if my mind is just creating this. I get a lot of responses from him these days, usually good ones. I'm trying not to do overkill, but...usually it's just a smile or a kind message to him, nothing trying to manipulate him necessarily (though there have been times I'd think "call meee!" lol). I'm tempted, but I don't want to screw with his mind, so I just send a kind word every now and then...
But I mean, really??? Responses??? No way! I'm so thrilled and kind of taken aback by this whole thing.
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