I could use some positive vibes
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11-21-2008, 12:52 PM
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Oct 2005
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I could use some positive vibes
First, sorry I've been a bit MIA especially in the Practice Den. I am going through a bit of a test of faith right now and could use some words of hope or "been there and it turned out ok". But back in the spring my guides sent me on this awesome journey of transformation. They put blocks in my way and nicely discouraged me from getting a conventional job. I had too much inner work to do. Well my husband was/is left supporting us when his paycheck does not really support us fully. Through some divine intervention of some unknown source our finances have been ok....until now. My guides tell me to have faith and trust but that is impossible when you notice the status of your bank account. And it is hard knowing that these things are not so important when you are so conditioned to know that they are...anyway. So I am facing down a fork in the road. To continue trying to develop a professional intuitive counseling business (which is NOT manifesting for me despite so many attempts) or to go back to doing what I used to do which ate me alive then and will definitely reverse all the hard work I did considering where I am now (I was a therapist working with at-risk kids in a VERY broken system). My heart has finally opened and healed and doing that again will just close me up again and destroy me. But I have no other choices if things do not turn around very soon.
I could really use positive vibes, sending of angels, and intuition if anyone has any to spare. I am having a hard time having faith anymore and feel like all this hard work was for nothing if I have to go back to doing what I did before.
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