I could use some positive vibes
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11-22-2008, 11:14 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Anger is a strong emotion as is hard to handle when it's directed towards you. Just remember that not all of the anger they display towards you is you. I hope that makes sense. And I hope that you can find some peace with this situation, and continue to move forward. I don't know the age group you worked with, it's sounds like adolescence, very difficult, but I worked with them and younger children. I actually went home crying one daybecause the child spent most of his day in locked seclusion and peed all over the carpet. I happened to be his staff memeber for that day. We also got a 2 year old, who happend to be a joy to work with. Anyway's you need to follow your heart and the guidence you hear inside. I don't believe Spirit wants you to go backwards. I wish peace and happiness for you, and hope that if you do choose to go back to work, that he will bring you a job that will bring you joy, (specifically your buissness.
) Have a great night!
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