can i have some help blocking negative energy?
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09-11-2008, 08:31 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
adding to you probably need to cut the cords you have attached to each other
here are some different types of techniques
visualation for cutting cords
This is a very good ceremony if there is someone you wish to disengage from.
Put yourself into a nice meditative state.
Visualise, or even draw, the number 8.
In the top circle visualise the person you wish to disengage from..or write their name into it.
Visualise yourself in the bottom circle.....or write your name.
Call on your guides or the angels...the Christ Consciousness energy is the best for this......and visualise, or colour, a beautiful pink light flowing over both of you.
Then say out loud 3 times:
"I let ......... go with love."
Visualise the two circles then being cut apart...or actually cut them apart.
Visualise, or colour, a violet flame surrounding the cut away top circle.
Do the same with your circle.
Say out loud 3 times:
" I am now free and cleansed, as now free and cleansed."
Visualise the violet flames dying down.
The top circle is now empty....this can be burned if drawn.
You then step out of your own circle.
Visualise it disappearing...or burn this too.
Thank your guides or the angels and make sure that you are well grounded.
another option is
Fill your energy aura with white light.
that all energy cords connected that do not serve your highest good be returned to their owners.
Set your INTENTION again that
any of your own energy cords that are attached to the other person be returned back to you. Say I intend to retrieve and absorb any cords I have attached back to my own body.
this energy being cleaned and charged as it returns back to you and to the other person.
at this time you can make the cutting away motions either physically or mentally of cutting away the cords to relesase them back to the other person.
I would then take a sea salt bath or go jump into the ocean if you are near one to finalize the cleansing and clearing.
hope this helps a little .....
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