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10-29-2008, 09:57 PM
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Oct 2005
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This is one that I asked spirit.
Q: What is so important about meditation? Do we really need to meditate in order to hear our guides?
A: As you walk the earth, you take in many thoughts. These can be things like, “Did I remember to pay the gas bill? Where did I put my favorite sweater?” Maybe your negative friend calls and tells you all about her terrible day. Now you have all of these things running in your active mind. How can you hear us through all of that chatter? You can’t. Meditation is key to quieting the chatter in order to open up your mind-hearing. When you relax and clear, you raise your vibrations of energy, that more closely match our higher energies here. We in turn, lower our vibrations to equal that of yours. Now, we have an open channel. Like a radio station on earth. The more closely you are to the signal, the more you will receive.
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