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10-29-2008, 10:33 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sophia - thank you so much. Michael made this a personal message
I have included this in the book!
Q: Is it possible that there are certain people who no matter how much they meditate are not meant as part of their path to actually have one on one sessions with their guides or main guide for guidance. Instead have constant lucid dream or visual experiences that are to figure out the meaning of instead?
A: The first part of your question is no. You are capable. Your ego is on overdrive and though you feel you are raising your energy enough, your ego is keeping you afraid of us. Do not worry, we are working hard to lower our vibrations to meet yours. It will happen. Keep talking to us.
The second question is we do come to you in dreams when we cannot penetrate the veil of your ego self. It is the way we can bypass your body’s defense system. In your personal case, I will say that you have a lot going on in your life at the moment and are having a hard time letting go of your daily chatter. This is keeping you confused when you do hear us. You feel it is only your own voice. You have three guides that are around you. ArcAngel Michael for your strength, a male who once was in a past life with you, his name at that time was Jerry. This was your father figure in that life. Your other guide has chosen to be a joy guide, a small girl to make you laugh and smile. Keep trying. It will happen! We will never give up on you!
~ ArcAngel Michael
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