when is it the best time????
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10-29-2008, 06:16 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Good Question star_light? Is that little bird with the big voice trying to tell me something????
The bird began a few days before me and (my now ex) split... then when he left it was like the bird got louder and louder.... soooo much family enraged emotions and confusion about the whole affair.....
During this time, I couldn't concentrate long enough to think, let alone meditate.. lol
But now things are a lot calmer and this bird is less vocal now, but At five I did hear him.. but it was like this time it was less voice tress lol if that makes any sense lol
I acknowledged the bird within my thoughts, bid the bird a goodmorning and then nothing.....
I tried to do a five minute meditation then, still my mind is un settled, I asked the angels to protect me in their wings to give me peace and protection for the day....
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