14 October - are they coming?
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01-11-2008, 06:38 AM
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Nov 2005
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I assume the Federation of Light is some kind of alien organization...
I don't know about all this. There have been many predictions over the years of the world ending, or huge things happening, and they did not happen. I don't know who this lady is, so I can't really tell if she's for real or not.
My first thoughts? Well hey, if it's supposed to truly bring love and Light to us, then why not? At least she's not predicting the end of the world or some huge catastrophe - for once, someone is predicting a big positive change in the world. I do hope it's not facilitated by aliens...aliens scare me to death, I've had horrible nightmares about them and stuff - horrible, horrible nightmares!!
I haven't felt any kind of alien influence would happen on earth, not like she's talking about.... I have felt change coming, though.
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