What was her reason for doing this?
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09-22-2008, 10:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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What was her reason for doing this?
Let me start off by saying that I know this is a weird story but please don't judge me, this was years ago, I was young and didnt know any better. I am happy to have found this site to share my experience with you and get your opinions...
A few years ago, I went to a spiritual healer because I was having difficulties in my life and I thought that would help me with my situation(i was wrong and have learned my lesson). Well, the healer told me to gather as many half-dollars coins as I could and I did..i gathered nearly 40 coins put them in the tub and got into the tub with the coins and my body started tingling all over and when I got out of the tub it was this black slim piece of fleshy something in the tub, I took it to the healer and she stated that it was something that was in me trying to come out, she also ask for the coins I bath in as part of her payment. Well, I know she tricked me out of money and didnt complete my healing because she was too busy dodging me. My question is why would she have me bathing in half dollar coins?
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