Alien Abduction
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09-26-2008, 06:48 AM
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Oct 2005
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Well in my opinion, because you were reading on the topic and thoughts and images were in your subconscious when you went to sleep, It brought back a memory of being taken once before and because you were not afraid with what you were seeing and experienced it was the right time for you to know.
(like you were being eased into knowing...)
I too have been taken and shown a whole lot of things, its wonderful and an experience. I too have seen and wasn't afraid. Because they revealed themselves to me I have not had another experience as such now for a long time.
I hope its not the last for you....
I have always believed in Aliens and there are different types, I have been visited from the not so friendly but I am well protected spiritually that I have never seen them again.
And there are the one's who want to teach us things and show us things, they are the beautiful beings....
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