Hi Harmony, I believe it's perfectly possible that you might have been abducted. I have never doubted their existence I just knew somehow they were there since I was a very little child. However, I don't think I have ever been abducted at least I do not have any recollection but I have dreamt of spacecrafts many many times. Different shapes and different sizes. I really don't think that you should be afraid or worried in any way. I don't think they aim to harm us whatever they do. I would recommend to you if you are really interested to learn more to read the books of Dolores Cannon. She is a regressionist and is probably the best in the field. She has regressed many people with alien adbuction cases and I am convinced you will find her books rather interesting. I have started with 'Keepers of the garden' and then continued with ' The Custodians, Beyond abduction' and am now reading the sequence ' The Convoluted Universe' which is now stepping into more complex metaphysical concepts. Also, if you wanted you could go to a hypnotherapist yourself and get regressed if you want to learn more about your experience. Good luck and I am hoping that I can read some more from you or others like you here who have had similar experiences. Much love Nightfairy