I wonder what this is?
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09-07-2008, 02:50 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
it could even be me.......I have gold energy and wear glasses...lmao and i if i am thinking of a response to your post I may be projectign my energy your way and smoking and having menthol on my nose to breathe as the heat is so hot right now you may be smelling that too. the time issue is funny as I am in the same time zone as you but I work shift work so am up all ngiht at times and am on line according to shift I am working .
weirder things happen all the time.....
are you telepathic by any chance??????
I could be thinking of a reply to your post and could be just a past life person, could be someone checking on your mom and you feel her energy.
Dont worry about it honey..if it bothers you tell the energy to BE GONE...say You serve me no purpose...Be GONE.
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