"destiny and Armeggeddon"
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05-26-2008, 10:46 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Oh no you guys that is so sad.
The earth and us cannot exist without each other. There are alot of changes happening within goverments now, in reducing green-house emmisions, we are learning to stop raping the earth and givce back where and when we can.
The tibetan monks arent sitting where they are and meditating just for themselves, they are helping to raise the vibrations of the earth and that of humanity.
I dont want o leave this earth, its too beautiful. We need to be active and replenish her as she replenishes us on adaily basis with food, water and all our needs.
If we begin to honour her, we are heading in the right direction.
We need to be positive, optimistic and most of all take our part in fixing the mistakes of the past and present.
Stop reading newspapers, its all doom and gloom and fear based, this helps us to stay under control, when we are in fear.
Dont watch the nightly news its worse! Murders here, blah,blah.
Stop listening to the negativity, and listen to the earth, listen to what she brings on the wind, hope love.
She has never (earth) given up on us so why should we give up on her???? Thats not fair.
wow , got a bit carried away there but its true.
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