Can't Feel Connected to Spirit World...
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01-05-2008, 01:50 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I agree with Caps..
Here's how I view the situation..
We are all connected to the spirit world (it's inside us!) the key is whether or not we acknowledge the connection. I'm not just saying this because it's cute and makes you feel good, I'm saying it because I've found it to work all the time. Which makes the problem very simple.. All you have to do is watch out and acknowledge yourself when you do/think something spiritual (based on what your definition is).. For example, if it were me, I might acknowledge the flowers and acknowledge myself for noticing it on a busy morning or I may catch myself helping/serving others and acknowledge that..
A good meditation for this specific situation is the garden meditation. I'm positive there's a version of it on the board. What makes garden a good meditation is it's based on your interaction with the spirit world. I'm not sure where it is..but try the search, if you don't find it, let me know and I'll go look for it.
Blessings, love and Light
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