Sylvia Browne: Worth a buy?
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12-04-2007, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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I picked up one of Sylvia's books a year or so ago and began reading it, but found it didn't resonate with me at all. I think it's all a matter of personal opinion...some people love Sylvia, some don't. I tend to be in the latter half. Yet for all I could say about her that I don't care for, someone else could say the exact the only way to really know is to try her books yourself. My opinion of Sylvia tended to fall when I began listening to her on the radio...I found many inconsistencies in what she was saying, as well as her own verbal discrediting of other professionals' beliefs, and her readings - after listening to her for months - became extremely repetitious (her main responses to questions about career or health tended to be: "you will be getting into real estate" or "healing" or "writing" (for career); and "take lethicin", or "go on an all-protein diet", or "it's your thyroid" (for health)). In one case a woman called and told her that she'd been suffering from abdominal pain for months. Without asking the woman of her medical history, or if she'd seen a doctor, Sylvia's advice to her was "lie over the end of your bed and do stomach crunches". And a friend's cousin did have a reading done by Sylvia a couple of years ago, and was greatly dissatisfied...not one thing in the reading was accurate. That's a lot of error for a $700.00 reading (or however much she paid...I believe it was around that amount).
I must say that I don't disagree with everything Sylvia says or believes in, but her inaccuracies, her 'disses' of other professionals, and an attitude that does come across to me as arrogance are all enough to keep me from ever buying into any of her books, appearances, or readings. There's so much more I could write about my views of Sylvia Browne, but as I said, they're my views, which could be totally different from someone else's. The only way you will know if Sylvia is right for you is to check her out for yourself. Perhaps check out a local library and see if any of her books are there, or go to a bookstore and browse through the first few pages of one or more of her should be able to get a sense of whether it will resonate with you or not.
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