should reiki attunement be given to small child
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08-04-2007, 01:11 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
This is my opinion and I thought I would relay it to you.
Babies and small children are very receptive to energies. Their senses have not yet developed the protective defense mechanisms of adults.
Children can easily acquire this ability, even small children. Since no focus or concentration is required, Ususally a child can learn from the age of 6 years old. I would suggest that one let a child know what Reiki is & explain that anyone including them can be attuned so they can do it for themselves. Then once they know that they can decide if & when they want to be attuned to it or not. I don't think we should decide for them.
There are a lot of debates on what age of attunement, full development of their chakras first (usually in mid-teens), understanding of attunement, decision-making on behalf of a child.
I feel that the child has to be allowed to grow spirtually and when ready then take the responsability of learning and using a healing art, although some will be ready to do that at a very young age.
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