Question about your time on the "net"
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02-22-2007, 12:14 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I actually took a 12 step program it feels..No I didn't but my non productive time on the net has decreased so much you won't believe it...But that's cuz I have a big project I am working on and putting 85% of my capacity into it.
As far as how much I spend on entertainment which includes this forum, business forums, chatting with friends, it depends on what I'm upto. If I have a project to work on that I'm really excited about, the only thing that happens is I come here to moderate or make a comment here and there when I take my 10 minute breaks...
That;s pretty much all I do on the internet's surprising how easy my life is...
1. I'm either working on academic stuff
2. I'm either working on work stuff including the research which I love
3. I'm either here gaining lots of knowledge and relaxing
4. I'm either in one of the 3 business forums learning and making friends
5. I'm chatting with someone (now, this one is very rare..I don't even sign on to my instant messenger unless I have an appointment)
I don't know what else you could do on the internet...
Yes, it does mean about 90% of my free time on the computer is spent on this forum
on a different note
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