Do you feel guilty about Not being a Vegeterian
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01-20-2007, 11:01 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
everything in moderation..i have a cholesterol disease that runs in my family. So i dont need a lotta meat. My daughter saw Charlottes web recently and wouldn't eat bacon or ham until someone told her Wilbur didn't die..those are his brothers and sisters, then she was ok w/ eating the bacon!!!lol
Anything in excess will eventually be harmful. From a heealth stand point i think being mostly vegetarian is a good idea for me and my daughter(she typically doesn't even care for anything besides chicken and fish)But if i felt bad for eating meat i couldn't imagine what else i would feel bad for in a course of a day!! Alas i probably would never get out of bed for fear of looking at someone the wrong way or having bad breath!
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