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01-31-2007, 08:56 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I talked to Mystic about this And,
one of you (I know you're busy but won't take long and it dosn't have to be a perfect one) could write up a little article outlining the story, (preferably a link to the CNN article as well..easily found via Google News), where they can donate and such, I can move it to the announcement board, sticky it and post it in the Main Page and send a news release. Would bring more exposure and would help a lot.
And, since we're starting our monthly newsletter this month..we can add it to the newsletter as well..
Who's up for it?
Shall I say this, I kind of hope to get back in an hour or two to post something new on the main page?
The reason I don't do it myself is because we'd like to see it come from the group rather than just us..because it'd add more momentum if you posted it than us.
Who's writing the short article for cookies?
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