How was 2006?
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12-27-2006, 10:03 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
2006 was a difficult year for us both financially as well as emotionally. We suffered the loss of a family member, job security was uncertain and that brought a lot of changes related to finances, health insurance, etc... The difficulties did, however bring about a greater understanding of the fact that, it isn't always the event that is traumatic, as much as the way we choose to respond to the event. I've grown a lot spiritually these past two years. That laid the foundation for me to be able to accept the changes that occurred and move past them this year. I finally saw for the first time that faith manifests solutions.
Bless all of you who may still be struggling to find peace in your hearts for those you miss. They are always with you, just a thought and a smile away. The love is there as long as you remember them, though in time, the pain does surely fade.
With much love and hope for a much brighter 2007,
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