Pay Iy Forward, Attention: EVERYONE!!!!
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11-01-2007, 02:16 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
how much money have you received so far Amy? I did some digging and see that you have posted the same "cry for help" on all of the Craigs List web sites and some other web sites as well....I also see that there is an appliance repair advertisement when your address is punched into Google. If you are truly in need, there are proper avenues....if you are not, shame on you as you are probably taking from people who really can't afford to send money but send money anyways. Thursday may be right thinking this is a wast of time. if this is a spoof than you probably wont beback to read the posts but if you do, remember, almost always, what ever you send out to the world has a way of returning on your doorstep....I will be back with more info on this person, I have to sign off as I want to contact the craigslist people about this......
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